
Showing posts from May, 2017

Day 70 - Top 5 Lessons Learned - Devil in the Details

Day 70.  Seems like a large number all of a sudden.  I have not worked for anyone else for 70 days.  Realistically that is just over 2 months, but I feel like I have been doing this job my entire life.  I can't imagine living any other way right now, but time will tell. It has been about 2 weeks since I blogged last.  Partly due to one of the top 5 Lessons I have learned over the last few weeks.  So, let's just get into it! Lesson #1 - Time Management I am a calender junky.  I have organized my time in 15 minute increments, well probably since the day I could hold a pencil.  I still have a very detailed calendar (several actually) that lists all the time bound commitments I have to the various roles I have in my life - but - time management is different when you are the one controlling the commitments.  I know that doesn't seem to make sense, but bear with me. When you have to take your children to the doctor or you have a dentist appointment, you are given a few