
Showing posts from April, 2017

Day 48 - Top 7 Lessons Learned by the Cowboy This Week

Things have been very exciting here at MindLight over the last week or so.  I feel like the cowboy entrepreneur I had been "accused" of in the past.  While my mother just returned home yesterday, she is on the mend - so that has let me rebalance my time commitments. Wow, lots of lessons learned this week.  I was either a backend developer or integration developer during my time in the coding trenches - so I am learning a lot about doing 'apps' and all the front end work required.  I learned a few lessons that might help the rest of you software development leaders. 1.  Fonts are a big deal.  Yes, really.  There are several types of font licenses and types.  There are fonts used mostly for print - and they are a bit less expensive than those for web and apps.  Fonts come in packages of Font Families - and usually you get a deal for purchasing them all.  Or you can try to figure out exactly which fonts you need and pay for those.  Apps and Web cost much more.  T

Day 39

Today was an odd day filled with work and life and it all swirled around into a giant ball of something. My day started with ABA Therapy Team meeting for my kidlet.  It was productive.  It did however smash right up into a daily meeting with my team that I flat out missed.  The team is amazing and understood - but this is the kind of day where I was five minutes behind where I needed to be - the swirling between business and personal creating a tornado that left an unsettling silence and stagnation in the eye of the storm. Some days are just like that. I did review the user interface updates done for the new profile screens.  They look awesome by the way.  I did review the user stories that will go into the first and second sprints - most were right on the mark.  I updated the financials.  Did some work on youTube basics as I will soon be starting our youTube channel providing resources to those that need them.  All of these things are important, and all of them were fun.  But my

Day 35

35 Days.  Wow!  I guess that means we are over 1 month into this crazy ride.  Things are getting very real since the last time I posted.  Development and Market Demand Generation are in full swing - peppered in some with real life. So, for the fun stuff.  The we had two weeks of development workshops.  The major themes and general function of the application were documented and the team is really starting to get a feel for what we want in the application.  I am pleasantly surprised at how much work they got done in such a short period of time.  It is always a good thing to get more than you expected, instead of the other way around. Prepping for the first meeting was a lot of work.  You see, as a startup that is working out of their homes, we don't exactly have an appropriate meeting space that is suitable for a team of developers.  So new role for this last few weeks included purchasing basic supplies needed for a large meeting, finding a meeting room to rent that was not