Day 39

Today was an odd day filled with work and life and it all swirled around into a giant ball of something.

My day started with ABA Therapy Team meeting for my kidlet.  It was productive.  It did however smash right up into a daily meeting with my team that I flat out missed.  The team is amazing and understood - but this is the kind of day where I was five minutes behind where I needed to be - the swirling between business and personal creating a tornado that left an unsettling silence and stagnation in the eye of the storm.

Some days are just like that.

I did review the user interface updates done for the new profile screens.  They look awesome by the way.  I did review the user stories that will go into the first and second sprints - most were right on the mark.  I updated the financials.  Did some work on youTube basics as I will soon be starting our youTube channel providing resources to those that need them.  All of these things are important, and all of them were fun.  But my fun hat just didn't seem to fit today.

In the middle of all that there were several calls from my Mom, in the hospital awaiting surgery tomorrow, that were neither important right now or pressing - but she is in the hospital awaiting surgery - therefore each call is pressing and worthy of intentional listening.  In the midst of that extended family members needed cash, of course they did, and their desire for cash somehow butts up against my Mom's vulnerability and landed squarely in my not fun hat.  That was, well, not fun.

My kiddos are home for the holiday break - I have no idea why they call it a holiday break - it is not a break - it is a giant calamity of insane volume control issues that is not, in fact, a break for the parents of said children.  However, each of them is important and each needs attention.  I work at home on purpose, so at times like these I can give that attention - but I was just not wearing my fun hat today.

Some days are just like that.

The day has ended, but not really.  Days don't end when you're the CEO of a startup, or the CEO of your home, or the CEO of your Mother's healthcare.  While the flexibility seems nice most days, some days it is hard to explain to others that you do - in fact - have work to do.

Some days are just like that.

Well folks - not the happy go lucky cheerful startup CEO today - but well some days are just like.

Here's to better days ahead - or at least ones filled with more lessons in business and less in life.  It was an unbalanced kind of day - no work life balance to be had at this house - but some days are jsut like that.

CEO of a Startup


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