
Showing posts from July, 2017

Day 118 - Top 3 Lessons from Independence Day

Not quite a Firework, but Almost as Pretty The blog posts are coming out less and less frequent, something I actually did expect.  I knew that I would have a ton of excitement at the start, and not as much to do, and then have a lot to do and waning exciting, followed by extreme excitement, following by waning excitement - etc. It is Day 118.  Nothing particularly special about today.  I started off the day doing super important and exciting work!  First I met with our development team.  A great update meeting, thirty minutes of details and then off to the next task at hand.  Next, I copied all our BOX files to DROPBOX - it nearly cut my file storage costs in half.  It was not the most fun project in the world, but hey - that's the glamourous life of a startup CEO!  More fun followed as I broke down to purchase a licensed version of software so that I could save the hours and hours of work each month - vs. the $60.  ( Time value of money has a different meaning when you have