Day 2

Day 2.

So I 'announced' my job transition on the standard social media sites for my generation at least - Facebook, LinkedIn.  I expected a few of the normal, "Congrats on the new job!" automated responses from LinkedIn - thank  you all.  Those of you the crafted the message a bit, thank you even more.  Those of you that actually knew that I started my own company and wished me luck - you all are amazing.  I use LinkedIn for 'business' and Facebook for 'personal' - I have been pretty good at the distinction - of course a few folks are on both cause well, they are my friends and family now.

Now to Facebook.  I LOVE YOU GUYS!  I have always tried to surround myself with amazing, interesting, and positive people.  I have done a good job!  I had over 91 responses and more individual statements of support than I could ever have expected.  Offers to assist.  Individuals saying it was about time.  People commenting on how I will do a great job.  Today like many days, I was reminded at how blessed I am.  I am blessed to have an amazing and supportive husband, four great kids, a supportive family, and awesome friends.  Thank you all so very much for your support.  I have yet 91 more reasons not to fail, as if the 5 I already have were not enough.

So what does this all have to do with Day 2 in the role of CEO?  Everything.  You get back what you put into the universe.  I really believe that.  I have a few folks I helped in their career reach out and offer sincere assistance, some even making sure to say it was FREE assistance - which any startup can use.  It proves that the 20+ years of keeping in touch and keeping my network fresh was a long game, but a long game that has me in the driver seat.  You get with you give.  I am thankful that I am just the type of person that likes to keep in touch.  I am thankful that I am just the type of person that always tries to help if I have a way to do so.  I didn't know that was part of the long game when it all started, but I am sure glad that I took the time to do it then.

On the more business like side of things, I am a CEO of a startup.  Yesterday was Saturday.  It is not a 9 to 5 gig.  I spent more an hour at the bank (see Day 1) fixing the issue I did not cause.  I was thankful my more level head prevail as the banker - his name is Kevin - was amazing and equally as unhappy with the situation.  The issue was fixed, and at least this time it did not take 4 hours.  I got to spend some quality time with my business partners, very smart gentlemen that I am still trying to figure out and learn how to work with.  Oh, and I got hang out with one of their littles.  I won't use his name as I don't have his father's permission - but let's call him "the king."  He was an endearing little man that is now part of my extended family.  He was so cute and well behaved - and guess what - I am the CEO and I could hang out with a little dude at "the office" - and it was not something I was worried about getting in trouble for, or caught doing.  I preferred it actually, being a mother of 4.  It made it seem more normal, like this is how it is supposed to be.

"The King" and I - of and his smart Poppa (CTO) and our CPO (chief product officer for the less acronym inclined) all came back to my home to talk shop.  Yep, all four of my noisy kiddos, "the king", the two four legged kiddos, my hubby - and it was one of the most productive 2 hours of my week.  I found that the 3 C-amigos are more aligned than I expected.  A hard decision that I was nervous about was not hard at all and I find that I was partnered with 2 like minded amazing guys that feel the same way about things as I do.  Oh, and all that while in the middle of EPT (extreme potty training) with one of my littles.

Followed up by doing some invoicing and calling a vendor on a Saturday to ensure payment arrived, and that was the end of my C.E.Oing for the Saturday - but it was glorious.  It was a truly how I want my work life to be, a balance of getting things done and well getting the important things done for my family too - all without the guilt of getting caught or in trouble for mixing business and home life.  This is what they call work life balance folks - it is not a scale like the scales of justice.  It is not always 50 / 50.  It is about doing what you need to do when you need to do it.

So, Day 2, while on a weekend and while starting out a bit on the manic side ended exactly how it "I WANTED" - snuggling on the couch with my sweetie next to a warm fire he setup watching one of our favorite shows together - not worrying about what I must have done by Monday or else.  Just enjoying my family.  I know that all the days will not be like this.  But I will chalk Day 2 up to a success.

Jackie Schwabe
CEO of a Startup


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