Day 20

I has been a few days - 13 to be exact - since I did a blog.  I honestly think that is good news, it means I have been diligently CEOing at the new company.  The last 13 days have been filled with the things I expected when I started:

  • Meeting with Accountants - to manage the money that I don't have
  • Executing MSA, SOW, and NDAs - oh my! - oh, and racking up the legal fees like nobody's business
  • Coming to agreement on the 'exact' technologies we will use to develop the application and the operating systems and device form factors we will support
  • Strategizing with Marketing to start generating demand
  • Reviewing the new Logo design (oh la la - may have been the best part!)
  • Creating Design briefs for the Brand and Style Guides
  • Interviewing prospective users to get REAL insights into what we are building and who we are building it for
  • Creating use cases, EPICS, and features to develop - lots and lots of this!
  • Meeting with my Mastermind groups to ensure I stay focused and personally accountable
  • Figure out what the heck to do about 401K stuff
  • Updating the C-Amigos
  • Picking up another check from the investor
Not much of this seems super exciting.  It is however what I expected it to be.  I was a bit surprised at how much legal review and legal fees one would rack up so quickly - but I am sure glad we have someone that is checking on these things for us!  

So, how am I feeling?  Exactly the way I felt on Day 7.  I feel great.  I am doing what I wanted to do.  I am doing a lot of it.  I am contributing to what will eventually be my own success - and well I am doing it on my own terms.  

Can't take that away from me - or at least not for the next 23 months - while we are still funded.  The next few weeks should be very exciting, we are doing some development workshops to get this party started!  I can't wait to see the prototypes and start getting this show on the road.

Thanks for reading.  See you all again soon.
CEO of a Startup


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